Allen Ginsberg 2024 Poetry Awards Reading
February 1st, Time, 1:00
The Poetry Center/The Hamilton Club
Passaic County Community College
For the PCCC Parking Lot #3, use 160 College Blvd, Paterson, NJ 07505
Bloomfield College at Montclair State University
March 7th, Time TBA
Library, Seibert Art Room
Oakland Ave Street, Bloomfield, NJ 07003
High Mountain Meadow Poetry Series,
November 9th at 2:30
Wayne Public Library
461 Valley Road Wayne, NJ
The Red Wheelbarrow Poetry Reading Series
December 4th at 7 PM
Little Theater at 230 Montross Avenue
Rutherford, NJ
Brownstone Poets Poetry Series
Zoom Reading, October 26th, Time, TBA
The High Mountain Meadow Poetry Series
Pamela Hughes and George Held, features
May 7th at 2pm
Wayne Public Library
461 Valley Road Wayne, NJ
The High Mountain Meadow Poetry Series
Pamela Hughes & Ras Heru will Feature together
Sunday, November 13th at 2pm
Wayne Public Library
461 Valley Road Wayne, NJ
Palisades Poetry Series, ZOOM READING
Invitation: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82187286426?pwd=N0NVaTk5N2s2MEtOamdueEppQ3hhQT09
Meeting ID: 821 8728 6426
Passcode: 646343
Sat.,Oct 24th, 7 PM., Classic Quiche Cafe, 330 Queen Anne Rd
Teaneck, NJ 07666
Brooklyn Brownstone Poets Poetry Series, Date and Time, TBA
Pamela and the 3 Pauls Read Poetry and Prose
Saturday, August 29th, 4-6 PM
Poets House
Elizabeth Kray Hall
10 River Terrace, New York, NY 10282
Brownstone Poets Poetry Series
March 23rd, 7-10 PM Brooklyn, New York
PANK Reading Series, PANK Text/Context, Dixon Place, New York City, April 11th, 7:00-8:30
3 Mile Harbor Press’ 25th Gala Reading & Book Launch
Poets House
Sept 21st, 2019 – 4-6 PM
Elizabeth Kray Hall
10 River Terrace, New York, NY 10282
The High Mountain Meadow Poetry Series,
September 8th, 2:00-4:00,
Wayne Public Library
461 Valley Road, Wayne, NJ
Triangle Quarterly Poetry Readings
November 10th, 5:30 PM)
Bowery Poetry Club
308 Bowery, New York, NY 10012
PANK Reading
Dixon Place, New York City, Tuesday, February 20th, 7:30 PM
My Body My Words Anthology Launch
7 p.m. on Wednesday, March 14th
KGB Bar, 85 E. 4th St, 2nd Fl., NYC
Montclair Literary Festival, Poetry Panel, Poetry as Resistance
Ghana Imani Hylton moderates a conversation about art as activism, looking in particular at poetry as a medium for social justice.
With readings and discussion from local poets Pamela Hughes (Meadowland Take My Hand), Tanya Manning-Yarde (Every Watering Word),
and Teka Lark (Queen of Inglewood).
Saturday, March 17th, 4:00-5:00, Montclair Library
Venue: Montclair Public Library YA Room
6 –7 PM Open Reading
7 – 8 PM Featured Readers, Pamela Hughes and Sondra Gash
Poets and Publishers: A Poetry Reading and Conversation about Publishing
Poet’s House, September 8th, 6 PM, 10 River Terrace, New York, NY 10282
Meadowlands Environmental Center, Book Launch
April 21st, 6 PM, 2 Dekorte Park, Lyndhurst, NJ (In the Atrium Room)
Brooklyn Brownstone Poets Reading
March 4th, 2:30, Brooklyn, New York, Park Plaza
William Carlos Willams Center
Rutherford NJ, Sunday, August, 2nd, 7:00, 2017
Binghamton University, The Writing Life Series Conference
September 18th, 2017
Teaneck Creek Conservancy
NJ, Teaneck, December 1st, 2017
Gainville Café
17 Ames Avenue, Rutherford NJ, Friday, 7:00, October 27th, 2017
Meadowlands & Mythos
Bergen Community College at the Meadowlands
1280 Wall Street, 3rd Floor, Room 306
Lyndhurst, New Jersey
December 11th, 6pm
Pamela Hughes and Rachel Eliza Griffiths: a dual reading. Pamela will read parts of her long poem, “Meadowland,” which is both an elegy for the continued loss of the land & an exploration of the toxic & the playful. You’ll discover “the order of the odor & “the dank inside of adventure.” Rachel will mesmerize the listener with her incantatory poetry which explores the mythic connections of man & woman, god & animal. Her work juxtaposes domesticity–that daily dose of human sorrow–with a sense of the omniscient & the magical.